Project #4 – Total system risk assessment took part into the 21st Lambda Mu Symposium on Risk Management, System Dependability & Safety held in Reims, France on the 16-18th of October 2018.

Project #4 – Total system risk assessment took part into the 21st Lambda Mu Symposium on Risk Management, System Dependability & Safety held in Reims, France on the 16-18th of October 2018.
On the 26-29th of June 2018, P4 attended the 8th ICRAT – International Conference for Research in Air Transportation at theUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Castelldefels, Spain. The conference was the occasion to present a paper on quantitative assessments of runway excursion precursors using mode S data. Learn more about…
On the 16-17th of April 2018, Project #4 – Total system risk assessment took part in the “Transport Research Arena” conference in Vienna, Austria to present a paper on the Risk Observatory. In addition, Project #5 – Resolving the organisational accident also participated to illustrate the work performed within the…
We have recenlty uploaded a new document by Project 4 “Total system risk assessment”: D4.6 Total Aviation System Risk Picture 2017. The document provides a total aviation system risk picture for 2017, contains quantified safety performance indicators that measure the actual progress with respect to main safety issues, and gives…
For the 2nd Future Sky Safety Internal Workshop, P4 is creating a poster to illustrate project results to the whole Consortium. The poster will visualize the inputs and the outputs of a model, based on the physical relationships describing the motion of an aircraft, that is able to estimate overrun…
Future Sky Safety took part in the EASA Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) Conference, held on the 12-13th of June, 2017 in Cologne (Germany). The conference aimed at promoting the implementation and development of the most advanced use of Flight Data and related analysis techniques for the improvement of Aviation Safety.…
Future Sky Safety published four deliverables and a technical publication: P4 Total System Risk Assessment released a Total Aviation System Risk Picture 2016, providing ideas for future improvements of such a risk picture, and a technical publication defining a Preliminary Business Model of the Risk Observatory describing organisational, operational, financial…
Two new Future Sky Safety public deliverables were released: P2 Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication produced the 1st Assessment of dissemination and exploitation activities carried out by the Programme in its first phase (January 2015 – June 2016); P4 Total System Risk Assessment released a report to define and evaluate the…
In the last months, Future Sky Safety has released fifteen additional deliverables produced by all the seven projects coordinated by the programme. The full document is available for public deliverables; otherwise, you can still read their executive summaries. All these documents, available in pdf format, can be found both in…