On the 8th of June, 2016 Future Sky Safety and EREA (Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics) held the Wake Vortex Workshop 2016, a particularly fruitful public international workshop on the topic of wake vortex.
The German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Braunschweig hosted the event, which saw various European research establishments present their wake turbulence-related research activities and discuss topics for future work. A crucial outcome of the event was the Wake Vortex Cooperation announced between NLR, ONERA and DLR. The scope was to organise additional internal and public meetings and to develop an autonomous website to give the collaboration the visibility it deserves.
Following this event, the Wake Vortex Cooperation website is online at www.dlr.de/ft/wvc. Furthermore, a representative of the Cooperation is invited to attend the upcoming WakeNet-USA workshop in order to provide an overview of the Wake Vortex Workshop 2016, of the idea behind it and of its outcomes.